There are things in life that you are neverover with.
If you’ve never heard of us, if this is your first time around, you might ask yourself who we are. To that end, we owe you a little introduction and a warm welcome.

Who are we?
We’re neverover, a sportswear brand started in 2021 with a clear purpose in mind.
We want to spike a deep burning desire in others to strive for excellence, to become what they fear by turning their weaknesses into their greatest strengths, and through it all, find out what they are truly capable of.
You see, we believe that once you suffocate the lies that you’ve either told yourself or have grown inside you because of what others have told you, we believe that once you do that, and you imagine realistically, but not modestly, what you are really capable of on this earth, and then go for it with all you have, you will absolutely be astonished of how far you can go.
What you once thought is all you could be is gone, replaced by the greatness of what you worked so hard to be.
We don't want to take part. We want to take over
What has been very clear to us from the beginning, was that we didn’t want to be just another brand, another company, another face in the industry… another one of what is already plenty. No, we wanted to be incomparably different.
We started out with the mission of creating a powerful message that would inspire all those who would find themselves in it, and shake up all those who have been held back in their life up to this point and are now just sitting idly, wasting themselves away.
We’ve been there too, that’s why we’re so determined to put an end to it and help as many as we can to overcome their current condition and replace it with a far superior one, one that they are worthy of and that they deserve.
What we stand for
Crave discomfort
Rather than taking refuge in comfort and temporary pleasures, in the things that make you feel good in the moment, but regret doing afterward because you know that you took the easy way out and now you’re worse for it, we encourage you to do something else.
We encourage you to seek the path of most resistance and discover fulfillment on the other side of adversity. There is no greater pleasure than that of achieving what you set out for.
Seize the day
Today matters. For all you know, it could be your last day. Are you prepared for it though? If today was your last day, could you say that you’re at peace with it, that you’ve done enough with the time that you’ve had so far? Chances are you’re not because we’re all like that.
We’ve all made mistakes, we’ve all wasted too much of this precious time that we have. But that doesn’t matter if today you choose to turn around on the path that you’ve been going if it’s one that is unworthy of you, or if you choose to give it all you’ve got on your current path if it’s one that’s righteous.
Seize this day, focus on the time that you have now, and make the most of it, because who knows how much more of it you have, how much more of it we all have… Use every single moment of it, to the best of your ability, and we promise you, you’ll never experience regret.
Strive for excellence
By excellence, we refer to giving your valiant effort every single time, towards achieving your current endeavor at hand. By chasing down your very best in any situation, you will find meaning in your actions, and yourself on the other side of it.
What greater ideal can one have than to strive for the best outcome, for what is truly the best that they can give, in whatever endeavor they have at hand?
There is a certain feeling that one has after he finishes what he set out, and he finishes it properly that is second to none. And that means not stopping when you feel like you can’t go anymore, but stopping when you know, by your own standards, that you’ve completed your mission.
When you truly do your job well, whatever that job may be, the feeling of sheer fulfillment that you get once you finish will override any negativity that might have found its way into you previously.
So we say to you now, follow excellence, do it properly, and see how far you get. In excellence, it will be found.
Create an anchor
We believe in setting an anchor for yourself that is revolved around physical activity. No matter what happens, you will always have this one thing to return to, which not only grows you physically but also toughens your mind so that you are prepared to face whatever comes your way.
Here, the component of physical activity is introduced into our philosophy.We deeply believe in setting an anchor for yourself that is revolved around physical activity.
No matter what happens, you will always have this one thing to return to, this one thing that keeps you balanced in your life.And this isn’t the only thing.
Through the anchor of your choice, which is the same thing with the sport of physical activity of your choice, you will not only grow and strengthen yourself physically, but you will also toughen your mind. This is perhaps the most important aspect of the “anchor”, because once you truly strengthen your mindset, everything else around you will change as well. You will see the world differently and also the opportunities that might be present or will be present at some point.
Once you have true control over yourself, and an endurance to the physical pain that you have to go through in order to get to where you want to get, you become unstoppable.Set an anchor for yourself, be consistent with it, and you’ll be astonished at how great of a difference it will make.